Our best-in-class test facilities and know-how will help you take informed decisions and troubleshoot effectively
Tensile and Compression Strength
Most critical aspect of packages are their strength. How strong is your package? How much top load does your bottle, can or carton withstand? Is the tear or rapture strength of your flexible package at optimum levels?
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
FTIR analysis is able to identify small particles or contaminants quickly and with minimal or no damage to the sample. Once the contaminants are identified, the source can be located and eliminated.
Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM)
The quality and reliability of packaging materials are of primary importance, and robustness is a key requirement . You can detect any sort of inclusions, defects in manufacturing and resilience under mechanical forces by leveraging our SEM capabilities.
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
DMA measures the properties of materials as they are deformed under a periodic stress.. DMA is particularly useful for evaluating polymeric materials which exhibit time, frequency, and temperature effects on mechanical properties because of their viscoelastic nature.
Raman Spectroscopy
Raman scattered light is able to penetrate the wall of packaging material through a diffuse scattering mechanism, and its large effective sampling depth allows that potential diffused materials to be interrogated and identified. It can be used to troubleshoot many issues like delamination.
Atomic Force Microscopy
AFM is largely used to characterize bioplastic materials for food packaging but also the comprehension of materials modification. AFM can be used for topographical analysis of activated plastic materials, as well as characterization of different chemical and physical properties.